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This all started with the simple question of "Who am I?" I asked myself this simple question, and found that I didn't know how to answer. Am I a football player? well, I play football don't I? (or at least I did when this all started for me.) Am I a Programmer, a Physicist, a Gamer, a Joker? I do all of these things, so I can say that I am a ______. But whenever you say that you are just one of these things all of the others are left out of the spotlight, so it seemed wrong to deny myself all of the other aspects of my being while accepting only one of them.

So I started asking questions. I created a game that I call "Truth is singular," where I ask a question and the other player has to answer in just one word. I started looking up various media, games, cards, videos, about what questions people should be asking, whether to have interesting conversations, build deep and meaning full relationships, tell interesting stories, or get to know other people intimately. After a while, I figured, well if I can use these questions to know other people intimately then why not myself?

So here is a growing collection of questions that you can ask yourself to get to know you better, and that you can ask other people to get to know them better.

Maybe in the future I will turn these questions into a survey, and once the survey is completed, you can see all the answers and see where you fit, in the scheme of the other lost people.

If your life where a book, and you read it, what would you say about the main character?

What do you show someone to explain who you are?

What is a role that you see yourself as? What role would you like to be?

In the hard times, who is the person who gets you through them?

At what point do you give up on a video? How many pages do you give a book before you stop reading? How many mistakes do you give a person?

At what point is a hypocrite, a person who is changing?

Why does honesty matter to you?

What are some lies that you told, that sometimes that you forget that they are lies?

What part of yourself do you hate, but others seem to love?

At what point do other people's opinion start to matter to you?

What is a point in your life that you put the cart before the horse?

If your life was a movie, what would be the parts that made it in? What are some parts that would be left out?

What is the most difficult emotion to deal with?

What is something that you find hard to say to other people? What is something that you find hard to say to yourself?

If you could do anything, and no one could stop you, what would it be?

If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?

If everything about you was going to change, but you could keep one thing the same, what would it be?

What is one routine that you wish you were better at keeping?

What is the idiosyncrasy that makes you human?

What is the point in your life that you feel you went from a child to an adult?

What is something that you feel like you do not question enough?

What makes someone who they are? Their words? Their thoughts? Their actions?

At what moment is someone their truest self? In their darkest moments? In the good times?

If you were to give yourself a name, what would it be?

At what point are your actions no longer an indicator of what you might be? A day? A month? A year? Does it matter if it was a good deed or a bad one?

Does the intention matter more than the result of an action?

At what point is the truth more important than the story? At what point is the story more important than the truth?

At what point is victory no longer worth acheiving?

What are the most important words a person can say?