
The Journey So Far

I wish

I wish I was the type of person that took notes. On what? Everything. I just don't have the time. Typically I am doing multiple things at once already. Whether its doing homework and listening to an audio book. Or as it so happens I am currently writing this article, and am reading The Game of Life and How to play it (1925) by Florence Scovel Shinn. And I have a feeling that this might end up an article about the book. Just as I am writing this I am forming opinions about the book. But right here right now I shall talk about what I originally wrote. I wish I had time to put pen to paper about my experiences, all of them. It is strange to me this development because not too long ago I was of a strong determination that "If it is important I will remember." I don't really know when this changed. Maybe upon reading the book "Piranesi" by Susanna Clarke. Where the main character is a scientist who is partially an amnesiac, constantly keeping notes in journals, and forgetting about things. As the nature of the book is somewhat fantastical, he forgets things like the modern calender, where he originally dates his journal entries something like 06-11-22 and the journals with 22 on the side, and so on, he now dates his journal entries such as the 6th day of the second month of the year the albotross landed in the south western halls.

I think I made a promise, that I didn't end up keeping, and so I will either go and revise the words above, in order to fix that, I didn't finish reading the book, the game of life and how to play it, but it is eerily similar, from what I read, of "the game of life and how to play it", to "The Alchemist", and so I do endeavor to go back and read it, one day, when I am less busy with things. I also, have yet to finish "The Alchemist", so my comparision of the two to eachother, is flawed, and I may be correct out of luck. But in "The game of life and how to play it", it speaks on how you will bring into your life what you think upon, if you believe and think you will have good things happen to you, good things will happen to you. In "The Alchemist", it is said that "When you go out and follow what you dream about, your own personal legend, the entire world conspires together in order to see that you succeed," Forgive me if the quote is not entirely correct. This was not what I originally got to writing in order to do.

The point

I think this is the main point of this blog. To figure out how I want to live my life and the best way to do so. What I wish I did, what I am doing, how I feel about the current things I am doing. What I want to do in the future. And maybe even, how the things I have done, now affect me in the present. (Or how things I have/will write affect/effect me in the present/future. (I hope that makes sense)).

The point being, a concrete line of chronological evidence on events and choices made, by me, for me and whoever who decides to read this, to eventually say "This guy is a moron, the way he should have done blank is blank, and that is how I am gonna do it." Or in other words, This is here so hopefully one person, at least one, can learn from my mistakes, and help prevent them from making the same ones. I am currently writing this on July 10th 2024, I understand that this post has been left unfinished (and will continue to be unfinished for a while after I post this part), since June 11th, and I started this website, technically in August 18th 2021, and only decided that I would actually work on it, and make it look like something, though what that something is I do not actually know. And I would say that how the website looks, is not finished, only that I accept the way it looks now enough to say that I have other things to worry about. Like, I don't hate the look, but I am willing to admit, it looks very blue. So It, took me from August 2021, to Febuary 2024, in order to actually do something with this website, to make it something presentable. I remember first showing my friend Molly the website and she laughed at me, and for good reason too. It was plain white, and I couldn't even get the navigation bar in order to populate correctly. Now it looks better, and It has taken my from Febuary 2024, to now (July 2024), in order to actually put into words what this website is. I can now finally take down the "Welcome to, well, whatever this is." tagline from the home page, and put some version of this there instead.

The reason I do this, is to give something I never had, an example to live by. I think the rest of this post, and as well as some of the post prior has been moved to The point of this.

Love the Journey.