
The Journey So Far

Dress for the Job you want, not the one you have.

I think this is a popular phrase. When I googled the phrase forbes posted an interesting and lightweight article on it so I am inclined to believe I am right in this assumption. (Link below if interested).

Forbes Article

I was thinking on this today, as I recently bought some of my first clothes, since I moved out, with only a suitcase of clothes. The only clothes I bought before this was bare necessities, like undershirts for my work uniform. But these I decided, I wanted to look nice, and I made a very expensive purchase for the amount of money I had, to buy 4 shirts and 4 pairs of pants for maybe 250 dollars. Its been a while, so I don't know the exact figure, but I am willing to guess that each was around $30 from some quick google search on the brand that I purchased, though some could be $50. But 250 sounds about right, and for what I can afford, a purchase of $250 is kinda devastating for me. The reason I made this purchase though, is because I realized that I had absolutly nothing to wear, that actually looked good. Only various sweat pants, and some T-shirts. Plus my work uniforms, which in all fairness, are dress pants and dress shirts.

But all said in done, I was never someone who cared about appearances either. I kinda looked like Rami Malek in Mr. Robot, in how I dressed, and I carried around a Khaki messenger bag, and I basically refuse to put stickers on my car, and my laptop. In video games, like minecraft, I would possess a very utilitarian house, but create automated furnaces out of hoppers, that were hidden behind the wall. I wanted sleek designs that I could easily cover up.


Dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Sends the signal to other people, that you look like someone of that group, so you must belong there. Like belongs with like. But if we take this one step further, Be the person you want to be, not the person you are. If you want to be a writer, write. If you want to be a reader, read. If you want to have a deep base of knowledge on a subject or seem educated, study that subject. It is taking actions similar to the people you want to be like, that make you seem more like the people you want to be like. Then if you seem like the people you want to be like, people treat you like the people you want to be like. If people treat you like the people you want to be, then you will get the same opportunities as the people you want to be like, and that is how you become the person you want to be. It is not an instant overnight change. All things take time.

It sounds crazy, I know. I want to be a billionaire, so how do I follow this advice to be a billionaire. Well, eh, can't help you there. Because this advice isn't magic. You can't just go out and buy a yatch or get into the restaurant with a 3 year wait list for reservations. But it can get you on the right track to become one.

Little Changes Over Short Time, Big Changes Over Long Time

Seeming Is Being

I think a lot of people do not understand the innate, and intimate connection between these to concepts.