Jacob Hartwick

The world is changing.

The World

The world is constantly changing. We are constantly changing. Sometimes we change in different directions. Sometimes, we stay in the same place and all of a sudden the place that we have been all this time begins to look different. Sometimes, we look in the mirror, and wonder who the person is on the other side, because that person isn't us.


Welcome, weary traveller. Have a seat, you must be tired. Here you will find a collection of things. From quotes, to stories, to cool projects. Some of them old, and some of so new that they have yet to be completed. All geared to try and figure out who I am in this wild world that we inhabit. I hope by publishing these stories and quotes I might be able to find an answer to some of the answers that plague me.

I don't know how you managed to find this small little corner, but since you are here, stay a while. Explore this little nook to your hearts content. Hopefully by the end of it you will be better educated, and maybe even able to answer some of the questions that lurk in your mind as well.

About Me

Hello, I am a physics student, and programmer, mainly dealing with C, and Python but am fluent in other programming languages as well. Ideally I will work a full time job as a physicist and then come home and work on some Indie game project in my free time, and maybe I will get good enough at that to start making money off it, even if it doesn't support me full time. Programming is my passion, and Physics sates my undying curiousity. I want to be a sort of polymath where I will try to know as much about the universe as a whole as possible.

Posts that are coming down the line

Post that I want to get to eventually, I dont really have a time table on getting to these, but I wanted to put them down ( I am not really sure why I am doing it publicly and not in some file somewhere else) So that I would remember them. I already forgot one of the ones I wanted to write.

  • The Importance of found family
  • Isolation, on being alone
  • Nature of people : And what it means to go against it.
  • The Diary of an Oxygen Theif - eta after I finish reading the book
  • Maybe some poetry, or maybe what each quote means to me
  • Time, tik tok tik tok
  • Maybe some short stories, ideally some that I will later use as inspiration for games
  • The "A Pattern of Shadow and Light" series, and the differences in pieces and players
  • Judge the moth by the flame
  • Jocko Wilink Video Proactive vs Reactive
  • Simon Sinek Video Strong Thigh Muscles = More Friends
  • You Should Start Again You Should Start Again
  • Jocko Wilink Special Forces

Social Media

If I decide on some social media I want to be public I suppose I will put it here. Maybe

Projects I am currently working on

  • Particle Simulation of a Real Time gas
  • Building a Spectrometer
  • Patrol
  • This website!

Here are some of the programming projects I want to get done

  • Electronic Ukelele
  • Bullet Wizard in C
  • Alchemist / Artificer Game
  • an Incremental Game hosted on this website (We will see how web assembly works out or I might learn java script)
  • Text-based Roguelike RPG of going through college
  • Darkest Dungeon Style Game
  • Touch screen E-Ink Displays
  • Virtual Table Top assistant - mainly just keeping track of hp, init and the boring stuff